APGA Set to Collaborate with Jordan Nwora Foundation to Empower the Youth Wing of the Party

 APGA Set to Collaborate with Jordan Nwora Foundation to Empower the Youth Wing of the Party 

By Vincent  O Ezechukwu 

The National Chairman of All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA), Bar  Ezeokenwa Jr Sly a has on Wednesday, July 5, 2023, stated the readiness of the party to partner with Jordan Nwora Foundation to empower the youth wing of the party through the game of basketball. 

Barr. Ezeokenwa, during the courtesy call which held at APGA Regional Secretariat  Awka, described the founder of the foundation, Mr. Jordan Nwora, as a high flyer in the United States National Basketball Association(NBA)  whom have decided to give back to society. 

He commended him for setting up the foundation, noting that there are avenues through which the Anambra State Government can partner with them while declaring the readiness of the party to collaborate with them in order to take the youths off the street through the game of basketball. 

On his part, the State Chairman of APGA Barr. Ifeatu Obi Okoye, commended them for what they are doing to take the youths off the street, assuring that  Anambra state will keep celebrating what they are doing for the youths. 

In their separate speeches, the President Federation International Basketball Ball Association (FIBA) Zone 3, Col. Sam Ahmedu (Rtd), Director of the foundation Alex Nwora( Father of Jordan Nwora), and Anthony Nwora explained that the desire of the founder of the foundation to impact on youths across Africa as a way of giving back to the society is what motivated them to be part of the foundation, stating that the foundation which trains youths in the game of basketball has granted a foreign scholarship to Nine youths and will add another Three to the list this year. 

Other officials of the foundation on the visit include: Two American Volunteers and former WNBA player Ann O'Neill and Spencer a basketball coach, who explained that they are committed to assisting the kids to achieve their goals in and outside basketball hence their involvement with the process.


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