
Showing posts from July, 2023

APGA National Chairman, Ezeokenwa Holds Interactive Session With the Media

 APGA National Chairman, Ezeokenwa  Holds  Interactive Session With the Media  By Vincent O Ezechukwu  In his efforts to build cordial relationship with the Media, the National Chairman of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) Barr Sly Ezeokenwa on Saturday, July 29, 2023 held an interactive session with select  Editors of Major National Dailies and the Broadcast Media. In the Media chat that was held in Lagos, Nigeria, Barr. Ezeokenwa stated emphatically that the Media is central to the actualization of his key project , "the Project DRIVE-APGA," declaring that there is no better way to start than forging cordial relationship with the members of the Fourth Estate of the Realm. He assured that APGA will continue to engage stakeholders, saying "As a true National Party, APGA under our leadership will continue to engage critical stakeholders in our bid to entrench a truly restructured and progressive Nigeria ."  Those joining in the friendly chat include, some me


IDEMILI SOUTH COUNCIL CHAIR, AMAKA OBI TOURS SEAMAN RICE MILL .......urges Ndi Anambra To Embrace Think Home Philosophy By Emmy young  The Transition Committee Chairman of Idemili South Council Area, Hon Obi Amaka Iyom  has taken a tour around Seaman Rice Processing Mill Nnobi, Anambra State with CEO Seaman Group High Chief Emeka Agbanari MFR. The visit was in line with Governor Soludo mission to develop the tourism industry in Anambra and also in concordance with the Think Home Philosophy.  Speaking during the tour, Chief Agbanari noted that the project is a “dream come true” and deem it necessary to build the gigantic industry in his country home Nnobi. He remarked that at the completion of the Multi Million Dollar Project which will give over 5,000 direct and indirect jobs to the youths and therefore reducing the rate of unemployment and other social vices amongst the youths and thus enhancing the GDP of Anambra State and with production of 50,000 metric tonnes of rice yearly. Engr

Idemili South Council Boss, Hon. Obi Attend The Retreat Of All The Transition Committee Chairmen In The State

 Idemili South Council Boss, Hon. Obi Attend The Retreat Of All The Transition Committee Chairmen In The State The Transition Committee Chairman of Idemili South Local Government Area, Hon. Mrs Amaka Obi(Iyom Idemili) was present during the two days retreat of all the 21 local government transition committee chairmen in the State. Addressing the Committee chairmen, the former Minister of Aviation and former Corps Marshal, FRSC, Chief Osita Chidoka who was the keynote speaker said that, the essence of local government is to brings democracy closer to the people, stating that its purpose is to provide an organized system where councils exercise their power and responsibilities to work together for peace, order and good governance of the area. Chief Osita Chidoka stated that the role of the transition chairmen are to work toward improving social, economic, and environmental viability and sustainability for the benefit of the council areas, noting that effective local government provide ov

Federal Government Delegation, Anambra Ministry of Environment Tour Erosion Sites in the State

Federal Government Delegation, Anambra  Ministry of Environment Tour Erosion Sites in the State  By Vincent O Ezechukwu Worried by the increasing ecological challenges facing Anambra State, a delegation from the Office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF) and the State Ministry of Environment on Tuesday, July 18, 2023 paid an on the-spot assessment visit to some erosion sites in the state. Amaichi Erosion Site While showing the team around during the tour that saw the team visit erosion sites in Nkpor Idemili North, Oba Idemili South and  Ozubulu Ekwusigo Local Government Area, The Anambra State's Commissioner for Environment Engr. Felix Odimegwu  lamented the increasing number of erosion sites in the state, declaring that the problem is beyond what that state can handle.   He further called on the Federal Government to increase ecological funding accruing to Anambra, citing the peculiarity of the challenges faced by the state, decrying the devastation at Ukpo


 FAST TRACKING THE COURSE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION IN IDEMILI SOUTH .  Yesterday, 14th July, 2023 we on behalf of Idemili South LGA awarded the Neatest Town and Most clean market in the LGA . The award were clenched by ALOR Community and Afor Nnobi Market respectively .  This exercise is to strongly encourage and promote our LGA Environmental and Sanitation Strategies to ensure a clean and healthy environment in line with Soludo Solution Environmental Development Plan.  Overtime we have sustained unrelenting efforts in our environmental strategies hence a sector we have left no stone unturned.  This is comi after we have formed a formidable grassroot network with the various community youth groups , market groups and the LGA stakeholders to ensure a more effective and inclusively clean and prosperous Idemili south .  In my address, while I congratulated the Winners ( ALOR Community and Afọr NNOBI market) I encouraged others not to relent as the baton continue to change hands.  We ha


 CONGRATULATORY MESSAGE TO AN OUTSTANDING MONARCH, OKOFIA VI @86 Igweeeeeeeee... May I on behalf of my family and entire Dunukofia people congratulate the Clan Head of Dunukofia, our prominent king, HRM Igwe Robert C. Eze, Okofia VI of Ukpo community on the occasion of your 86th birthday anniversary. You're a virtuous and respected traditional ruler.  Igwe Okofia, you have been a source of inspiration and rallying point for your contemporaries and the younger generation. Your patriotic contributions to the growth and progress of Ukpo community and Dunukofia in general, including your immense support to the Local Government Council have all been exceptionally wonderful and are worthy of commendation.  While we, ndi Dunukofia join the people of Anambra State, Nigeria and the rest of the world to celebrate this your glorious feat, 86th birthday, I pray to God to grant you longer reign on the throne, and strengthen you in all your endeavours.  I am also extending warm greetings to the


 IDEMILI SOUTH EDUCATION SUPPORT AND INDIGENT SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS  As amongst top on the priority of the SOLUDO Government is ensuring education for all ndi Anambra. This he has demonstrated in several ways .  In idemili South LGA we have continued to prioritise Education through several Programs as we have held in the past the Local Government Teachers Summit aimed at training and retraining of teachers towards improving learning outcomes for our children. We have equally set committee to work with various communities in selecting the indigent children and school drop outs for necessary educational support.  Recall that few weeks ago the LGA organized a Sexual and Reproductive Health Seminar for our Young Secondary school girls also as part of the Education support Program .  As part of the activities held yesterday 14th July, 2023 we awarded Scholarships to seven of our children both at basic and post basic classes .  While the three children were recommended by the Education support

APGA Set to Collaborate with Jordan Nwora Foundation to Empower the Youth Wing of the Party

 APGA Set to Collaborate with Jordan Nwora Foundation to Empower the Youth Wing of the Party  By Vincent  O Ezechukwu  The National Chairman of All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA), Bar  Ezeokenwa Jr Sly a has on Wednesday, July 5, 2023, stated the readiness of the party to partner with Jordan Nwora Foundation to empower the youth wing of the party through the game of basketball.  Barr. Ezeokenwa, during the courtesy call which held at APGA Regional Secretariat  Awka, described the founder of the foundation, Mr. Jordan Nwora, as a high flyer in the United States National Basketball Association(NBA)  whom have decided to give back to society.  He commended him for setting up the foundation, noting that there are avenues through which the Anambra State Government can partner with them while declaring the readiness of the party to collaborate with them in order to take the youths off the street through the game of basketball.  On his part, the State Chairman of APGA Barr. Ifeatu Obi Okoy