AU and Putschists, a new Trend in African Politics
AU and Putschists, a new Trend in African Politics By Vincent O Ezechukwu With the current trend of forceful takeover of governments by the military in many African countries, (latest being Gabon) especially West and Central Africa, coupled with the Arab Spring that swept North African dictators from power few years ago, it is henceforth change or be changed. As long as the African Union (AU)Keep tolerating fantastically corrupt leaders, election riggers and sit tight presidents among the ranks of African leaders, they have no choice than to welcome putschists among their members and also adjust to the new realities. Unfortunately, threat of ineffectual sanctions can no longer be an option. AU as an international organisation has remained docile, while Africans suffer under bad leadership, except in few countries, most African countries are badly governed with rate of poverty on the increase year on year on. It is now or never for Africa, the continent with so much pot...